Family Saturdays Performance at the New York City Ballet
In partnership with Culture For One
"I loved the dance with hip hop influences. Everything was so amazing and it was so cool. In the hip hop dance, I loved their movements. For example, I loved the way they moved their feet and jumped high in the air. I am inspired to work on the dance moves they taught us in the audience so that maybe I can be like them when I am older. I now want to become a dancer. I learned that ballet is not all about wearing tutus. It is about what you do. And there are a lot of different types that you can do. They can be very proper like how you normally think of ballet, but the dancers can sometimes be wearing jeans and sneakers and dancing like regular people. It was so awesome that we got to meet one of the real ballet dancers from the performance after the show.
Today was super cool. I got to see a lot of new ballet dances that I never even knew existed. I always thought there was one type of ballet but I got to see mixtures of ballet from all around the world for the first time. There was a huge clash of cultures. It was amazing. It was stunning. It was a mix of hip hop with a mix of ballet. It was brilliant. I never wanted to be a dancer because I like acting better. But now, I actually want to learn ballet because I saw this. This performance has changed me. I loved that the performance was interactive and that we got to act out the dances with the ballerinas. I have never been to a performance like this before.
Today, I learned that dance looks so easy when you watch it, but when you try it, it's really hard. I liked that in this performance, the dancers taught you their skills and let us try everything out. At first, it was easy to learn, but when they added more moves and made it faster, it was so hard! I wore a tutu to the performance today because I love watching ballet and have always wanted to try it so badly. My favorite dance section was the hip hop one.
I liked the performance. It was nice. I am really good at gymnastics. I can do a bridge and kick over. It was fun to watch the dance and to then learn those same dances from the performance. This was the best day ever. It taught me that dance is a mixture of many things but can also be a lot of separate things. I am so happy I got to talk to the ballet dancer after the show. I've never met a celebrity like him before. I loved all of the costumes. All of the costumes were different and perfectly fit the description of where they came from.
ZOE, 7
Coming to see the ballet today was my dream come true. I can’t wait to be a singer when I grow older. I learned that you need to just learn and practice until you can get yourself there. That’s what I will do to make my dreams come true. Now, I want to sing and dance. I loved the red velvet seats in the theater. I also loved the red velvet that was under the dancer’s dress. I learned how to dance ballet. I loved it so much that I spread my arms so wide that I almost hit everyone in the face.